Now a day, the importance of woman health check-up is known to almost each and everyone. There are several diseases & physical disorders that are faced by women only. Knowingly, some of those diseases can be incurable too if not treated on time. That can be considered as one of the prime reasons why most of the women are showing interest for a health checkup. KIMS Alshifa Well Women Check up is specially designed health package for basic assessment of general health, gynecological problems & screening for cancer breast and cervix, the most common cancers in women.
Blood Routine Examination
- Hb
- TC
- DC (Polymorph, Lymphocytes EosinophilsMonocytes, Basophils)
- Blood Sugar (Fasting)
Thyroid Test
Renal Test
- Serum Creatinine
Lipid Profile
- Total Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- VLDL Cholesterol
- Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
Urine Routine Examination
- Appearance
- Urine Albumin
- Urine sugar
- Pus cells
- Epithelial cells
- RBCs
- Cast
- Crystals
Cancer Screening
- Pap smear
Breast Cancer & Abdomen Scanning
- Mammogram
- USG Abdomen
Special Test*
- Vitamin D3 Test
(Those who don’t need mammography scanning)
Speicality Consultations
- Gynaecology
- Dermatology
- Dietetics