Doctor Profile
- Qualifications
- Area of Expertise
- Awards & Achievements
- Languages Known
- MD(Geriatrics)
- Falls and frailty assessment in elderly
- Neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
- Geriatric impairment and rehabilitation
- Healthy Ageing and Preventive Geriatrics
- Geriatric immunization
- Drug optimization
- Constipation/incontinence
- Sleep disorders
- End of life care and caregiver counseling
- A Prospective Study to assess Frailty in elderly admitted in a Tertiary care hospital
- Effectiveness of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based intervention on the postoperative outcome of elderly with Head and Neck malignancy.
- Presented poster on "Effectiveness of CGA on postoperative elderly patients" at GERICON 2019 - CMC Vellore.
- Timings
- Videos
- Articles & Blogs
Articles & Blogs